Favorite product:
Liz is driven by an impeccable sense of NEXT -she’ll happily introduce you to emerging trends long before they materialize. In her free time she works for the infamous Vivienne Westwood.
“No this is lazy!”

Favorite product:
Markus joined the team after solving the super hard einhorn crossword puzzle. Boosted by this huge success he is now dedicated to spreading einhorns stories and New Work.
“French Fries are underrated!!”

Favorite product:
Lola was saved from Romania and is now Chief Happiness Officer at einhorn. She loves to run around, jump and play… and sleep. And of course she loves food. She’s very shy and cautious around strangers but she already grew fond of the einhorn crew. <3

Favorite product:
Juliane’s first contact with einhorn was a disappointment: after buying a bag of condoms she realized that they weren’t sweets. She delivers designs in light speed and therefore needs to stay hydrated: she drinks about 8 liters of aqua frizzante each day. She’s also known as the crazy einhorn plant lady.
“Das ist ja genital!”
How do we work together in our rainbow-sparkle-wonderworld? You can read more about it HERE.

Favorite product:
A native Berliner convinced of the concept of solidarity. Coordinates which unicorn gallops on which rainbow.
“Principles beyond benefits”

Favorite product:
We hired Anna not only because she is a pretty good designer but also because she smiles 24/7, she even smiles when she’s crying or calling you a Kackbratze (which she’d never do). She also has the most gentle and hypnotising phone voice you will ever hear (ask for Anna 030/…).
“Liberté, Egalité Kräutertee!”

Favorite product:
In the digital realm, Alicia reigns supreme, armed with trendy lingo while studying condoms, decoding their potential & societal significance. Between gym sessions, she crafts illegibly chic typography. Her quarterly ritual? Rewatching Sex and the City, absorbing its drama and fashion like a seasoned connoisseur.
„Es saugt und bläst der Heinzelmann, wo Mutti sonst nur saugen kann.“

Favorite product:
The one which does not exist yet
It should be all about Sex, responsible and safe, why do condoms have to be such a pain? Well they don’t, let’s talk about it.
“I love it! Let’s do it! Now!”

Favorite product:
Lena believes in the good and is seeking for magical materials that save our world. With her incredible charm, she is able to ask critical questions without being perceived as such. In this way, she brings things to light that are actually top secret.
„Ich hätte da noch eine Frage!”

Favorite product:
A native russian from kazakhstan dreaming of worldwide equality. Lets make this world a better place … together! Studying Law and Economics on half of the day, shipping Unicorns to their destination the other.
“All colors are beautiful!”

Favorite product:
Lenis super power are not numbers, no that’s too easy. She can eat all the time, everywhere. But beside that you can find here in the forest collecting the best mushrooms of Brandenburg. Unicorns are nice, but do you know mushrooms?
“Doing what everyone is doing, is a dead end.”

Favorite product:
Teresa worked as an Art Director for 5 years at several agencies before landing her ufo on einhorn planet. She likes to look at pictures, laughs about things and loves interpreting dreams. (Send her an e-mail for an exclusive dream interpretation.)
“Nazis raus, Tampons rein!”

Favorite product:
Even unicorns need some affection and rewards for their magical powers. And aaaall the love you give us needs a supervisor. That’s Francesca. She’s taking care of the survival of unicorns.
„Save Love, save Unicorns, save the World!“

Favorite product:
Franziska is obsessed with music. You could bet that there is a song in her mind no matter what she is doing. She also can’t resist spreading unicorns and marketing love online.
„This is not a man’s world!“

Favorite product:
Every order goes through Ibrahim’s fingers, but if there is ever a complaint, then of course he has nothing to do with it.
„My work speaks for itself. ;)“

Favorite product:
Linda joined the einhorn team to make fairstainability happen in the rubber world in Malaysia.

Favorite product:
Birgit takes care of our well being and makes sure that there are always enough snacks in the office! Thanks to her „green thumb“ (Pretty sure „grüner Daumen“ is the same in English…), our rooms will turn into a jungle, soon.
„Schaffen wir schon!”

Favorite product:
Jenny loves structures and processes. Logistics is a super space for that. Also making logistics a more fair and sustainable thing is Jenny’s thing.
„Erstmal tief durchatmen, sortieren und dann los.”

Favorite product:
We hired Max for his sustainability knowledge but he turned out to be the most passionate Peinliche Pakete-artist ever! Besides that, he loves to go to karaoke bars with our comdom partners and works best after the 3rd Mate tea.
„Sei du selbst die Veränderung, die du dir wünschst für diese Welt.”


Favorite product:
Nana loves to unfuck social media. She treats her FYP like the ultimate festival-informative,upbeat,hilarious,diverse and totally queer-friendly. When shes`s not hustling at einhorn,you can catch her on twitch, chatting about LGBTQIA+ stuff, gaming and DnD. She’s got a serious glitter addiction and a hearty laugh that can wake the neighbors.
„eat pussy it’s vegan.”

Favorite product:
The colorful unicorn mane is her identifying mark. As a true logistics ace, she always sends your fairy dust with a lot of love and good humor.
„Eine gute Dosis Fantasie ist das beste Mittel für zu viel Realität.”
… means structural (multiple) discrimination such as trans-, homo- and bi-phobia, racism, anti-semitism, ableism (discrimination against people with disabilities), classism (discrimination regarding social class), ageism (discrimination regarding age) or sexism.
As we are aware of the fact that structural discrimination is also present in our organization and has been reproduced, we actively address and work on it. Therefore we started a progress to define an intersectional anti-discrimination strategy for einhorn. We are still at the beginning and get help in the process from external experts and organizations such as: Josephine Apraku, Inklupreneur and Center for intersectional Justice.
Furthermore, we support flexible and family-friendly working time, salary and workplace arrangements and try to respond to all needs individually.
If you have any questions, please contact our intersectionality team: anti-diskriminierung(at)einhorn.my